When infection occurs the virus that causes AIDS, the immune system begins to be attacked. It is in the first phase, called acute infection that occurs incubation of HIV - virus exposure time until the appearance of the first signs of the disease. This period ranges from 3 to 6 weeks. And the body takes 30 to 60 days after infection to produce anti-HIV antibodies. The first symptoms are very similar to those of the flu, such as fever and malaise. Therefore, in most cases it goes unnoticed.
The next phase is marked by the strong interaction between the defense cells and the constant and rapid changes of the virus. But that does not weaken the body enough to allow new diseases because the virus mature and die in a balanced way. This period, which can last for many years, is called asymptomatic.
With frequent attack, the defense cells start to function less efficiently until they are destroyed. The body is increasingly weak and vulnerable to common infections. The initial symptomatic stage is characterized by high reduction of CD4 T lymphocytes - white blood cells of the immune system - arriving to stay below 200 units per mm³ of blood. In healthy adults, this value ranges between 800-1200 units. The most common symptoms are fever, diarrhea, night sweats and weight loss.
Low immunity allows the appearance of opportunistic diseases, so named by taking advantage of the weakness of the body. Thus, it reaches the most advanced stage of the disease, AIDS. Who reaches this stage, not knowing or not to follow the treatment prescribed by doctors, may suffer from viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis and some cancers. So whenever you have sex without a condom or undergo some other risk, wait 30 days (know why) and test.
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