Myocardial infarction is a necrosis of cardiac muscle caused by lack of blood supply that leads nutrients and oxygen to the heart. It is the result of a complex series of events accumulated over the years, but may be characterized by occlusion of the coronary arteries due to an inflammatory process associated with adhesion cholesterol plaques in their walls.
The detachment of a fragment of these cards or the formation of a blood clot, a thrombus within the arteries carry the blocking of blood flow, causing serious and irreversible damage to the heart (necrosis of the heart muscle).
Pain fixed on the chest, which may vary from weak to very strong feeling or compressing the chest which usually lasts about thirty minutes;
* Burning in the chest, often mistaken for heartburn, which may occur with or without food intake;
Chest pain that radiates the jaw and / or shoulders or arms (most often on the left side of the body);
* Occurrence sweat, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting;
* Anxiety, agitation and feeling of impending doom.
Risk factors and prevention
* There is no doubt that the best way to prevent a heart attack is to reduce exposure to risk factors: smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stress, sedentary lifestyle and / or personal or family history of heart disease.
* Take a confident and positive mental attitude is a decisive step towards the recovery of the infarcted. It is important to make it clear that people who survive a heart attack and adopt healthy lifestyles, mostly, can return to normal life and resume their professional activities.
* When the first symptoms appear, seek help immediately. Do not drive car and avoid walking or heavy lifting even if the pain is minimal;
* If you are with someone who has symptoms of a heart attack by more than ten minutes, do not waste time: seek urgent help. Keep warm and calm person. Unless medical advice to the contrary, do not give him anything to drink or eat;
* As long as the person can swallow without difficulty and is not allergic to the medicine, do it take two tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) immediately;
* If the person to faint, check your breathing and your wrist. In the absence of these vital signs, immediately begin appropriate procedures for cardiopulmonary recovery, keeping them until help arrives. Do not try to carry the faint person, because she is in serious danger of dying along the way. Place it in a comfortable position, gently sloping, and loosen their clothing;
Do not be fooled by the appearance of intense heartburn symptoms because they can indicate, in fact, important cardiac abnormalities;
* Convey confidence to infarcted and avoid panic. First aid is essential to save lives.
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